Life is full of Surprises

Life is full of Surprises
When do I tweet?

Saturday, June 3, 2023

I’m not funny anymore ME

 Do you think as your life situation changes you lose yourself?  I’m thinking “yes”, I hardly ever laugh or think of funny silly things as I once did.  I could make others and myself laugh by just using my imagination, which at present I’ve lost it somewhere, my imagination that is. 

Why when your life is so full of taking care of others we forget to take care of ourselves!  Could it be because Me whoever that is has left for parts unknown to survive the mental and physical toil? Where did ME go?  I ask myself is ME having fun? Is ME doing things that make ME happy?  How can I find out where ME really is.  

Do you ever feel like ME is feeling bad for you or laughing at you because you have given up your ME?

Now you might think it sounds crazy to be talking to your ME (self) but isn’t that who you’ve always trusted your whole life to be honest with you? Well isn’t it?  

To tell the truth in my case as a child my ME was not there, I grew up not knowing I had any worth and I believe when your Selfworth is not there you have no ME. Being abused and poor comes at a price to your ME and finding it takes years.  

I think I found my ME when I was in my late 20’s and that was an awakening.  Not everyone finds their ME for sure, I know my sister even in her 70’s has not found hers. I’m so sad for her..

When I found ME I had the power to change my life, to live happy and to laugh.  I could see what needed to be done and I did it, I had hope for the future, ME is a blessing of strength and assurance that tomorrow will be even better no matter what happens today. 

Why then at this time in my life has my ME fled me to maybe someplace safer, happier and more sunny?

What happens to us as we age and our burdens increase, do we split into different parts and our ME hides out until it’s safe to return?  When will that be?  I miss ME!

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